Lifesaving skills training in communities

The free Lifesaving skills training program in communities is a family and community-based focused program to reduce accidental death rates and maternal and neonatal mortality. It increases access to basic life-saving care within the home and community. It decreases delays in reaching referral facilities where life-threatening problems can be managed.
This is done through our free lifesaving training and skills development programs, the Training Program is a competency-based training intervention for women and men within the community.
The overall goal is to develop consensus on practices that are not only safe but also feasible and acceptable to users in a home setting, social gathering, school, place of work, etc until they reach a referral facility, the Program will serve from the age of 13 to 60 years old. The training program model emphasizes community involvement at every step and uses the principles of adult education and group process to facilitate the multidirectional transfer of information. Join us in this campaign today, and make an impact and a difference to make a future.